About D.eval Samples
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About D.eval Samples


Except for the D.eval Flash Tester, all other samples, including the TestRunner, are dynamically linked with Flex SDK and D.eval-1.1 RSL; you must first copy these RSLs to the rsl/ directory before running the samples. An Ant script, get-rsls.xml, is provided to make this task easier. Modify the relevant entries in env.properties first, then run this on the command line:

ant -buildfile get-rsls.xml


The TestRunner is the comprehensive testing platform for all the features of the D.eval API. This is a pre-built program without source code.

All other samples are also pre-built. Their source code is in src/. Many of the samples are discussed in the User's Guide. The following table lists these samples:

Sample Source Description
SimpleTester SimpleTester.mxml A simple but typical program that executes user-entered text as dynamic code.
DevalDataGrid DevalDataGrid.mxml Demonstrates to use expressions in DataGridColumn's dataField to display calculated column data.
ExpertSystem ExpertSystem.mxml This example is a rudimentary "expert system" with an inference engine that only does a one-pass scan of all the conditions.
SignalGenerator SignalGenerator.mxml A fun program that allows users to enter an arbitrary "signal generation" function to generate a series of data points displayed in a chart.
UseDynamicCodeLibrary UseDynamicCodeLibrary.mxml Demonstrates how to create a library of user-entered functions and use it in subsequent executions of other user-entered code.
D.eval Flash Tester Deval_Flash_Test.fla The Flash CS3 program that uses D.eval API.



The sample files are all compiled and dynamically linked with Flex version If your Flex SDK version is different, you may have to rebuild all the sample programs to make them run with the Flex RSLs. Again, make sure the entries in env.properties and paths in deval-samples-config.xml are correct, then simply run ant. The build.xml script uses r1tools.jar, a Java library available from http://www.riaone.com; get it and put into your ant build system's lib/ directory.

The TestRunner can not be rebuild.

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